On this piece I used 28ga wire for hand armature. It came out okay but there was still a good amount of the wire showing through the clay so I’m going to go even thinner and use a 30ga wire and this time it will be white so it’s not as obvious.
Another thing I began doing on this piece was to attach hand armature to body armature before adding clay which made it far easier to sculpt the hand and add the details without having to worry about doing it separately then having to attach the hand after it’s sculpted and mess up the hand details by all the handling that would happen from trying to attach the sculpted hand on the arm. It worked out fantastically.
One thing I need to start doing is sanding my sculptures after they completely cool from their final bake so I can have a much smoother surface. That way, when I blush, there won’t be any grooves or fingerprint marks that get exposed by the paint. It will make for a far more professional looking piece, I think.
Sanding the wooden bases prior to painting them is something I didn’t even think of doing until I noticed in pictures that my bases looked …. dull. I realized I had done no sanding on my wooden sculpture bases, so, I started doing that and what a difference; it’s smooth, it’s shinier when painted and if you spray a layer of fixative after the paint has dried, it will lock the color in making it look far more visually stunning.
So I used Paizley Pawz’s method on how to fur a sculpture, for the first time, and it was much easier than I originally thought. As of 06/30/2013, the Artist has retired the TuT, sadly, but you may contact her through her site to see if she will be making it available again and it will tell you everything you need to know.
Here’s the finished piece –
Many more images and a video on the Official FDMj Creations website.