If you're interested in learning how to sculpt, browse these areas to help you understand the areas of sculpting and hopefully, inspire you to start sculpting yourself if it's something you've thought about doing and think you'd enjoy. I'm always here for questions and will help any way I can.

1st, Some Tools to Start.
My favorite online store to get the majority of my sculpting supplies, OOAK Artist Emporium! Their inventory is incredible, relevant and incredibly useful. The owner, Judy, is great to work with.
The Sculpting Process.

The Armature is a very important, very crucial part of your sculpture. If our bodies had very weak bones we wouldn't be able to do the things we Love to do. The more well-planned and solid your Armature is the longer your sculpture's going to last.
4th, We Create Our Armature

Let's sculpt! From here you can utilize the tutorials that I've put together by clicking the buttons below that will take you to a page that's full of all kinds of tutorials that will show you how to sculpt each part of your sculpture.
Have questions before you jump in? Visit the FAQs by clicking the "FAQ" button below, or message me for questions not listed.
THEN, We Have Some Fun