Because making How-To content & videos is not only time consuming but financially costly at times, I have decided to utilize an online course platform to aid in this area so that I may continue to do what I do for you guys but on a much grander scale and so that you guys can take the most benefit from it.
I will be uploading How-To content & videos geared towards beginner/novice clay Artdoll sculptors focusing on creating creature/nature sculptures and this content will be far more thorough, interactive, relevant and exclusively available at the 'Frey'Dez Academy'.
I will still create free content on my YouTube Channel and other social media. This just gives me a chance to supplement the investment I put into my work while giving back to you guys in far more quality content with your support in my art. Thank you and we'll see you in class!

Gearing this venture towards my fellow #beginners, #novice sculptors or people wanting to take up this #craft and I will be focusing mainly on creating fantasy creature/nature sculptures. I am in the process of creating a different, unique and far more thorough way of "teaching" what I have learned so far, something out of the norm of PDF tutorials and YouTube videos. A very engaging, social and exciting new #platform will be used to provide you a well-rounded learning experience packed with PDF reference files, high quality detailed video easy-to-understand instruction, useful links, tips & tricks I've gathered throughout my sculpting journey. Combined with near-instantaneous communication through the commenting system that will be available for efficient communication so you don't have to wait for answers.
All provided in a beautifully designed, safe "classroom" type of environment. As close as you can get to being in an actual #classroom without having to travel! Keep an eye out for news on when this will go live on our social media sites.

Fichiers d'anatomie dynamiques à 360°
This is a list of the topics I will be creating in-depth online videos courses & content on to create fantasy creature/nature sculptures.
Other Course Types
Not only will the 'Frey'Dez Academy' teach sculpting, but we will also provide instruction on these areas we've seen a need in;
Creating Artist Website (includes ongoing help)
Creating Artist Logo (includes ongoing help)
Basic Photo editing
Planning Your Sculpture (Concept-to-Creation)
Designing & Building Your Armature
Choosing Your Polymer Clay
Applying Clay to Armature
Blending Seams
Shaping the Body - Staying Anatomically Proportioned
Adding Anatomical Detailing
Posing Your Sculpture
Sculpting the Feet
Sculpting the Hands
Sculpting the Head
Curing Your Sculpture
Applying Hair