The Newly Redesigned.

Now giving you more control over what you choose to sculpt in regards to the poses provided here for your reference. I really hope this helps you all produce quality poses and anatomically correct figures as I know these are a sculpting aide I constantly use and am satisfied with the yielded results.
If the options you choose don't have any poses in them yet it's because these animations/videos take several days to create just one, and considering I don't do this full-time (yet!) accounts for that time delay but this pose gallery will continue to grow on an ongoing basis so keep checking back!
** Sharing these files is strictly prohibited. The poses are all proprietary property of Frey'Dez Studios | all rights are reserved. These poses can only be used for personal use as a reference tool. These files are copyrighted to Frey'Dez Studios.
To make sure you have the best viewing experience with these poses, download the free latest version of ‘Adobe Acrobat Reader DC’.
There is artistic nudity depicted within this POSE Gallery. Viewer discretion advised.

membership is $13 a month

What’s Included In Your Membership?
You get to choose the figure you want!
You get to choose the body type you want!
You get to choose an already existing pose to sculpt.
View the figure & pose from absolutely any angle, any lighting condition & any figure style!
If the pose/character/body type doesn’t exist, you can request it to be created for you so you have exactly what you want!
Download the files so you can have them to use for your sculpting.
Request an unlimited amount of poses as long as your auto-renew membership is active!

Using the 360° Dynamic Pose Files.
After downloading the 360° dynamic pose files above, if you don't know how to use that 3D file, watch this in-depth video to get a better understanding.